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Showing posts from June, 2019

50+ Kursi Tamu Minimalis : Kayu Jati & Sofa Beserta Harga

Ingin ruangan tamu makin  cantik ? Nah ini ✓ 50+ kursi tamu terbaik 2019. Simak harga dan ulasannya disini.  Termurah & Lengkap ! Rumah modern zaman sekarang semakin berkembang dan desainya cenderung minimalis. Hal ini terjadi karena berkurangnya lahan sehingga keinginan membuat rumah minimalis. Walaupun seperti itu, kesan modern dan elegan tetap ada. Apalagi kalau dilengkapi dengan adanya furniture, berupa model kursi tamu yang sesuai, maupun meja dan sebagainya dengan desain khusus. Maka akan memberikan nilai estetika tersendiri. Ketika anda akan memilih model kursi tamu yang bagus dan unik, sebaiknya terlebih dahulu menyesuaikan dengan ruangan yang ada pada rumah atau tempat tinggal anda. Pada pemaparan artikel kali ini kami akan menyajikan beberapa rekomendasi yang tepat untuk anda terapkan di rumah. Baca uraian penjelasan di bawah ini sampai selesai ya, supaya anda tidak penasaran. Kursi Tamu Sofa Model Kursi Tamu Sofa Bagi anda yang memiliki rumah minimali...

Buying a duplex: The ultimate dream to make money

In today’s post, we are featuring a duplex. To those who are not familiar what a duplex is, this article tells you that “ a duplex is a “multi-family” home that has two units in one building – regardless of how those homes are arranged .” Duplexes are built with separate entrances either either side by side on the same floor or different floors.   Buying a duplex can be a good investment. Since you have two units, you can live in one of the units while you rent out the other one.  This way you can have a rental income while you live on your own investment property. Eventually, home values will appreciate and you can double your income if you are planning to sell your property some 10 years or 20 years after. Duplexes can be great investments for both homeowners and landlords.  If the duplex is located near the business center, you are assured of a whopping income because the value of your property increases when it is on high demand. However, owning a duplex has both ...

Benefits of Living in a Double-storey House

It may seem difficult for first time buyers to decide whether or not to buy or build a double-storey house.  With the many factors and reasons to consider, they may find themselves confused especially if there are also other people telling them not to or if they have been checking what reviews does a double-storey house has. In this case, we would like to tell you that it is always good to just listen to people who have long experience and expert when it come to houses, or read articles about choosing a house from the websites that are really about house designs. Today we will help you whether or not to purchase or build a two-storey house.  Just check the benefits here. A double-storey house allows you to double the amount of living space in your home without necessarily expanding horizontally. If in the future, you would want more rooms but your lot does not allow you to have additional structure because of its limited space, you can always opt to build more rooms vertica...

30+ Harga & Model Lemari Tv Minimalis (Terbaik 2019)

Lagi cari lemari tv ? Cek harga & ulasan model ✓ 30+ lemari tv minimalis terbaik ini. Ada lemari tv ✓ kayu, ✓ kaca, ✓ jati, & ✓ aluminium. Televisi memang menjadi salah satu media hiburan di setiap rumah, saat bersantai biasanya keluarga selalu berkumpul di depan ruang televisi. Memilih lemari tv minimalis tentunya menjadi suatu hal yang harus memiliki banyak pertimbangan seperti ukuran, motif, dan juga warnanya. Lemari Tv Minimalis 2019 Rak Tv Minimalis Alumunium Semakin bagus tatanan lemari televisinya maka akan membuat ruangan tersebut semakin nyaman. Bagi Anda yang memiliki ruangan minimalis tak perlu khawatir karena kini sudah sangat banyak model lemari dengan desain minimalis sehingga tidak akan memakan tempat ataupun ruangan. Pilihlah jenis lemari yang tidak hanya mampu menjadi tempat tv, tetapi juga beberapa hiasan lainnya seperti vas bunga ataupun figura foto sehingga dapat memperlihatkan keindahan. Dengan tatanan lemari yang sangat indah, tentunya juga akan...