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Showing posts from September, 2022

Vux House by 85 Design

Vux House is a narrow single-family residence located in Da Nang, Vietnam, designed in 2022 by 85 Design . Description There are many housing projects with small plots of land in Vietnam, mostly in urban areas due to the high population density. These land lots are suitable for the income majority. However, it’s narrowness comes with many weaknesses. The two biggest problems are lack of light and ventilation; especially when combine with the extreme hot and humid tropical climate. Therefore, these projects require Architects’ solutions to solve these problems. The house below is a typical example. With a typical area of 5m x 20m, and must be enough for 5 people to use. Overall, to solve the problem mentioned above we divided the house into three parts: front, back and we sacrificed a large space in the middle to be able to bring light and wind inside the house. On the ground floor, the outermost is the parking area. This space is separated from the living space by a...

Harga Semen

JANGAN BELI semen dulu sebelum baca harga semen per sak semua merk ini, simak yuk ! Dalam dunia dunia konstruksi, istilah semen tentunya sudah menjadi hal yang sangat biasa dan kerap digunakanan. Ya, semen adalah salah satu bahan bangunan utama ketika Anda membuat sebuah bangunan. Keberadaan semen ini sangat penting terutama untuk membangun beton, membangun jalan, membangun gedung, maupun membangun lainnya. Harga semen juga bervariasi lho sesuai dengan merek dan jenisnya. Fungsi semen sendiri juga dijadikan sebagai campuran agar bangunan menjadi lebih kuat. Nah, di dunia ini ada banyak sekali jenis semen dengan tue yang berbeda. Mulai dari semen biasa, semen campur, dan semen putih. Jenis dan Merk Semen Nah, setiap jenis semen ini dibagi menjadi beberapa tipe lagi. mau tahu apa saja jenis semen dan tipenya yang ada di Indonesia ? Yuk langsung saja simak penjelasan selengkapnya di bawah ini : 1. Semen Gresik Semen Gresik Di Indonesia ada salah satu merek semen yang beredar...

Hudson Valley House II by Thomas Phifer and Partners

Hudson Valley House II is a beautiful retreat located in Hudson Valley, New York, designed in 2018 by Thomas Phifer and Partners . Description Set back from the road and sited in a gently sloping meadow, Hudson Valley House II is a collection of six separate pavilions totaling 4,600-square-feet, each housing a different function commonly found in a single residence. The structures are clustered around a central courtyard filled with native grasses, locust and conifer trees, and flowering shrubs. This arrangement provides a sense of seclusion, privacy, and pastoral retreat sought by the clients and encourage walking through nature. Support functions are located in a nearby unobtrusive garden shed and garage. Inspired by traditional farm settlements in the Swiss Alps, the courtyard buildings have sloped roofs and are clad in rough-hewn cedar shakes coated with black tar that acts as a natural preservative. Each shingle-clad form sits on a continuous, projecting concr...

Tips to Increase the Value of Your Toronto Home

The majority of 2021-2022 in Toronto has been a buyers’ market, with more demand for homes than supply. With the greater competition to purchase a home, numerous home adjustments can increase the value of your Toronto home and allow it to sell for top dollar. When it comes to selling your home, it is critical to maximize your residence’s value. According to SaveMax , remodeling your home before listing it for sale can help boost its value, allowing it to stand out among the listings in your area. Real estate agents can also guide you on how to raise your home’s value. Putting money into practical renovation work that generates a good return on investment is critical. If extensive home renovations are not in your budget, you can make several tiny changes to boost the value of your home . Here are some tips you should consider. Complete The Basement Completing the basement is one of the best house repairs for resale purposes . When you have a finished, usable basement in a competit...

7 Jenis Genteng Metal, Harga, dan Kelebihannya !

Genteng Metal, Perlu Pasang Apa Tidak ? Baca artikelnya sekarang dan temukan jawabannya. Salah satu bagian atau komponen utama dalam sebuah rumah adalah atap. Biasanya atap ini akan ditutup dengan genteng. Namun, semakin mahalnya harga genteng tanah membuat banyak orang kini mulai beralih ke genteng metal. Sebab, harga genteng metal jauh lebih murah dan ekonomis. Harga genteng metal yang murah membuat banyak orang kini beralih. Sebenarnya, apa sih itu genteng metal ? Genteng metal merupakan sebuah genteng yang dibuat dengan menggunakan bahan metal. Untuk bentuknya sendiri, genteng seperti ini memiliki bentuk seperti genteng pada umumnya. Genteng jenis ini juga saat ini memiliki banyak penggemar. Hal ini tentunya karena keunggulan yang ditawarkan. Mulai dari ia yang lebih tahan lama, tahan gempa dan tentunya juga ringan. Namun, perlu Anda tahu bahwa jenis genteng yang satu ini bermacam-macam. Mau tahu apa saja jenis dari genteng ini ? yuk langsung saja simak penjelasan selengk...

Príncipe Real III Apartment by ColectivArquitectura

Príncipe Real III Apartment is a contemporary home located in Lisbon , Portugal, designed in 2018 by ColectivArquitectura . Photography courtesy of ColectivArquitectura Visit ColectivArquitectura The post Príncipe Real III Apartment by ColectivArquitectura first appeared on HomeAdore . from HomeAdore