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Villa RS by Juma Architects

Villa RS is a contemporary residence located in Belgium, designed in 2021 by Juma Architects . Description “JUMA was commissioned to design a new house on a hill in the Flemish Ardennes. The north side of the plot offers stunning views of the surrounding fields with picturesque church towers in the distance. In contrast with this open setting, the infinity pool, set like a mirror in the terrace, calls for a southern orientation and protection from the elements. In response to these contextual factors, JUMA positioned the residential volume at a right angle to the street, in this way creating a connection between the ‘north-south’ axis. When weather conditions allow, the sliding windows on both sides of this volume can be opened up completely at the level of the kitchen, blurring the boundary between interior and exterior. A garden wall along the pool creates privacy and offers protection from the wind. The terrace on the north side is covered and has a wood-bur

Eight Ways to Make Your Nursery Absolutely Perfect

A nursery will provide the first safe, personal and personality-shaping space that your child will experience as they grow up. Making sure the space fits all their needs, and is comfortable for you as a new parent will start your parenting journey off on the right foot. However, without the right knowledge, knowing how to start on designing and setting up your nursery can be difficult. Thankfully, we’re here to help, with eight ways to make your nursery absolutely perfect: 1. Space Organization & You More than any other quality, having the proper storage space set up will make or break your nursery. From toys to baby products, knowing where your baby’s necessities are at all times will make your life as a parent so much easier. Creative, personalized ways to store your materials is a great way to ensure you knock-out this part of designing your nursery. A comfortable, but storage-saving chair to rest in can be a great idea. Consider investing in baby beds, cribs and drawers th

60+ Model Meja Rias Minimalis Terbaru 2022 Beserta Harga

  Temukan 1 dari 50+ Inspirasi Meja Rias Minimalis Disini | ✓ Jati, ✓ Lampu, ✓ ikea harga 300 – 500 ribu (Lengkap). Tidak dapat di pungkiri, bahwa meja rias memang sudah menjadi salah satu produk furniture yang dibutuhkan oleh setiap kaum perempuan. Pasalnya, sebagai makhluk yang senang mematut diri di depan cermin. Kehadiran tempat menyimpan make up dan kaca menjadi sangat penting. Dan disini, akan dibahas tentang beragam model meja untuk rias yang paling murah dan kekinian. Model Meja Rias Minimalis dan Harga 1. Model Minimalis Elegan Sumber : Mengambil tema warna putih yang modern dan berkesan elegan, meja model minimalis ini sangat cocok dijadikan pilihan. Meskipun ukurannya sedikit kecil, namun meja ini memiliki kaca dua sisi, dan juga 3 laci tambahan yang bisa difungsikan sebagai tempat penyimpanan perlengkapan rias. Sangat cocok dipadukan bersama kursi kecil dengan warna senada. 2. Model Minimalis Aksen Kaca Lampu Sumber :