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8 Potential Signs That Your Roof May Need To Be Replaced

Your roof might come to an end of its life without you even noticing. That is due to the fact that some roof damage is not as obvious as, for example, a leak. However, not replacing your roof on time could result in greater damage down the road. So, you need to watch out for the warning signs that your roof might need some work. That way, you will have enough time to plan out the replacement process, as well as to manage your costs. Here are eight potential signs that your roof may need to be replaced.

1. Curled or Missing Shingles

If roof shingles edges are curled or missing, that indicates that your roof is wearing out and will soon need to be replaced. When you notice that your shingles have changed their appearance, you’ll know it’s time to contact your roofing company.

2. Your Roof Has Reached a Certain Age

Even though roofs nowadays are produced to last a long time, the average roof life span is around 20 years. What’s more, some conditions may accelerate the aging of your roof, such as wind or hail damage. If you’re not sure how old your roof is, ask your neighbours about their roofs, as they were likely installed around the same time.

3. Dark Streaks

Dark streaks on the ceiling or walls may indicate that the moisture is reaching your house due to a leak. Even if the leak is not immediately visible, the dark streaks on the ceiling and walls are a warning that your roof should be examined and potentially replaced.

4. Granules Missing From Your Shingles

Your roof losing granules and leaving bald spots on the roof is a clear sign of roof decay. The purpose of the granules is to protect the shingles and the roof, so losing them might cause a faster decay of the roof. You can talk to your roofing company to arrange the replacement of damaged shingles.

5. There Is Light Shining Through the Roof Boards

Light shining through the boards is a clear sign that your roof needs replacing, as it indicates that there’s either a leak or that the shingles are missing. You can check if the light is getting through the roof from your attic. But if it feels too risky to climb up by yourself, professional roof contractors can examine your roof for you.

6. Moss

Moss can appear on surfaces that don’t get much sunlight, especially if you live in a moist climate. Apart from being an aesthetic issue, moss also absorbs moisture, which can cause further damage to your roof.

7. The Chimney Flashing Is Damaged

Tar or cement around your flashing can lead to leaks if not repaired on time. Fortunately, this is an easy fix that your roofing company will be able to do for you.

8. Gutter Build-Up

If you notice a lot of gutter build-up, whether it be broken shingles pieces or lost granules, your roof is due for a check-up. Proper gutter maintenance is important as it can prolong your roof’s life, but also because you can determine if your roof needs to be replaced by what you find in the gutters.

Things to Consider When Replacing a Roof

Roof Replacement: How Often Should You Do It?

On average, a roof needs to be replaced after 20-50 years. Admittedly, that is quite a wide range, but different factors determine when it’s time to replace your roof. For instance, a roof’s durability will depend on the materials used, as well as the climate conditions where you live. If you’re not sure what the case is with your roof, your roofing company can perform a roofing inspection.

Reroofing vs. Roof Replacement

If the damage on your roof is too heavy, roof replacement might be the only choice you have. But if the damage is not so extensive, your roof might do with a reroofing. Reroofing involves placing a new shingle overlay over your worn-out shingles. That restores your roof’s look, but it also adds a protective layer that helps prevent leaks and further damage. Reroofing is also the cheaper option of the two. In conclusion, to avoid a costly roof replacement in a couple of years, start thinking about reroofing now.

Roof Replacement Cost

Replacing your roof might seem like an unnecessary expense, but this is a task you want to do before you have to. However, it’s difficult to determine the exact cost for your roof, as no two roofs are the same. If you would like to get a roof replacement estimate, it would be best to contact your roofing company, as they usually provide one for free.


Like any part of the house, your roof requires some maintenance. Noticing one of the signs that your roof needs replacing might prolong your roof’s life by several years, and will certainly save you some money. For that reason, check your roof for damage from time to time. And if you notice any of the signs listed above, reach out to your roofing company for all the assistance you might need.

The post 8 Potential Signs That Your Roof May Need To Be Replaced first appeared on HomeAdore.

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